Lump in throat after quitting smoking. And lump in throat is almost never the only symptom.

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Lump in throat after quitting smoking. All this started days after a gave up the smokes. Homemade soup is always the best. So I actually went to the urgent care recently because my tonsils/lymph nodes felt swollen and it hurt to swallow and I had white bumps on my tonsils. Mar 30, 2023 · By drinking 64 ounces of water per day (eight 8-ounce cups), you’re keeping any mucus in your lungs thin, which makes it easier to get rid of mucus when you cough. By stopping smoking, you can help to improve your globus symptoms. Up to several weeks. Furthermore, your doctor will be interested to know how long the lump has been there, especially if you are anxious to find out if the lump in your throat could be cancer. And lump in throat is almost never the only symptom. Quitting smoking can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as a sore throat. Could be: -dehydration- I drink 1 1/2 litres water per day. Nov 30, 2023 · It may or may not be accompanied by a dry cough. Past the one week mark (yay!), but I’m now struggling with what feels like a lump in my throat. Regular alcohol drinking increases its risk but may also affect individuals who smoke and eat processed foods. It's like it's where my Adam's apple is but it feels like it wants to push upward. 4. Doctors are not sure what causes globus sensation. Dec 8, 2023 · Also Read: Neck & Throat Surgery. This symptom frequently improves with eating and is generally unaccompanied by dysphagia or odynophagia [ 1 ]. Aug 3, 2022 · 48 Hours. Headache. Quitting smoking lowers the risks for cancers of the lung, mouth, throat, esophagus, and larynx. 1000 IU Nat E 3000-5000 mg Vit C 50 B Complex 500 mg Golden Seal Root 600-1000 mg Kyolic Garlic GNC Mega Man Multi-Vitamin Apr 12, 2007 · I quit smoking after 20 years Feb 29 2008 and two days after I quit I got sick with a sore throat then a sore neck (front and back) ear's hurting on and off , my ears also are clogged on and off daily and recently my lungs have been hurting and I have been coughing up gross stuff a few times a day, I also have been getting sores in my mouth and Dec 5, 2017 · Globus sensation is an overwhelming feeling of a lump or foreign object being lodged in a person’s throat. You get it when you’ve quit smoking, quit juuling, and also quit any other vape. Mar 29, 2008 · ive just quit smoking got a slight infection from my mum when she was ill and i was looking after her, carried on smoking when i was ill and ended up with what felt like a cut in my throat and decided to stop after a day or two i felt like i had got a lump in my throatgot sooooo paranoid about cancer and ive basically gone cold turkey after about 8 yrs of smokingim 26, i feel like Lump in throat after quit smoking By Diggiewoo6284 | 110 posts, last post over a year ago Amir Shaban, MD answered this Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms After Quitting Smoking. Lump in throat after quitting smoking By Jenny3481 | 152 posts, last post over a year ago Amir Shaban, MD answered this Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms After Quitting Smoking. May 12, 2023 · After all, the throat is an area in the head and neck that, although seemingly small, contains many structures that could be causing your symptoms. A sore throat is a common withdrawal symptom for Jan 17, 2024 · Smoker's flu is a group of symptoms people can experience after quitting cigarettes. Avoid clearing your throat. Lump in throat after quitting smoking I quit smoking pot, man I feel like throwing up. Reply. Just 1 day after quitting smoking, the risk of heart attack begins to decrease. It should go away soon. would i go back to smoking a big fat No. Steam. Try sipping water instead. While it's not linked to lung cancer like smoking, chewing tobacco and other smokeless tobacco products put users at an increased risk for several head, neck and mouth cancers, including squamous cell carcinoma as well as esophageal and pancreatic cancer. From what I've read, it seems like I could Aug 10, 2017 · 3. Probably a good idea, but if it makes you feel any better it ended up going away after a while of smoking. This muscle is there to prevent the contents of your stomach coming into your throat and into your windpipe Apparently this sticks around for a while after quitting 😩. As a result, your lungs or chest causes discomfort or pain when you breathe or cough. At first it was bad I’d get this lump in my throat and it would be weird to swallow like I had a big hole in the back of throat and I’d start flipping out and my heart would race it happened 4 days in a row each time I smoked and only when I smoked. Even many people who have never smoked know this is part of quitting. Hopefully it goes away soon. Again I have gradually started again after 6 months, just smoking occasionally at first, then advanced to a constant 5-7 cigarettes a day- this was at the beginning of this year Mar 28, 2024 · Stop smoking. Nate's Story. Feeling of a hard lump stuck in my throat cocaine and weed, anxiety attack and racing heartbeat weed, pot, tobacco, cigarret, vision, loss, purple, numbness Lump in throat Paxil, Marijuana, and bad withdrawlsany suggestions? Smoking pot while preg Lump in throat after quit smoking quitting smoking cigarettes and pot at same time Quit Dec 22, 2023 · After 1 day. Hasn’t happened in the last few years of pretty heavy weed smoking. The sensation of a coma in the throat can occur both in the process of smoking and after smoking, but more often than not, those who try to stop smoking face this problem. Cleaning lungs after quitting smoking Feel like crap still after smoking marijuana 3 weeks ago Can smoking cause lungs to collapse? Marijuana Withdrawals, Quitting Smoking Marijuana - About to reach 3 months suffer from chest pains after giving up smoking Lump in throat after quitting smoking Quitting Marijuana - will i gain weight? results to Lump in throat after quitting smoking Lump in the back of throat, been there for >4 months, bad Lump in throat after quit smoking Lump in the back of throat, been there for >4 months, bad Throat constantly blocked with mucus and bad breath dry mouth Post tonsillectomy - taste Heart Palpitations After Quitting Smoking lump in throat felling Quit smoking, but it feels like i have a lump in my throat. Im not sure why and i thought it could be because i dident drink enough but ive been drinking heaps of water and i still get it on and off even when im not vaping. Ringing in your ears (tinnitus) Loss of taste or smell. Today I noticed that the back of my throat - behind my tongue on one side is pretty inflamed & painful. No infection, no pain, no redness, no swelling. Healing lung function: While lung function typically improves after quitting, persistent coughing or Feeling sick, tired and without appetite after I quit smoking 2 weeks ago quit smoking & asthma Lump in throat after quitting smoking need help to quit smoking Quitting smoking - side effects? suffer from chest pains after giving up smoking Quit smoking leads to severe digestion problems breathing problems since I quit smoking 8 months ago Apr 7, 2012 · Apr 11, 2012. lump in throat after eating- please advise; what to do if burnt throat from smoking weed and now it won't heal?: Get med eval. theres a lot of signs pointing that it could just be anxiety for example, it came in waves. Taking antidepressants, undergoing cognitive-behavioral therapy and other treatments if severe stress or other psychiatric disorders are thought to be contributing to your symptoms. Fatigue. Dry air can irritate your lungs and increase your coughing fits. The steam produced from a hot shower or bath can moisten the air passages in your lungs and thin out the mucus. Nicotine level in the blood drops to zero; Several days after quitting . Sore throat. Jan 8, 2024 · These can include mood swings, irritability, fatigue, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating. Jun 21, 2014 · Since then Ive had severe chest pains, sore throat, clearing throat constantly with phlegm, developed anxiety, abdominal pain, dizziness, lump in throat. Best of luck to all. Having an excess of mucus running from the nose down into the back of the throat (known as postnasal drip I never thought that quitting smoking will be so hard I started having headaches, night sweats, fatigue and on the top of everything sore throat with some kind of hard lump in it. 3 small flesh coloured lumps on one tonsil. Used by mothers for decades, chicken soup has great properties that will help break up the phlegm after quitting smoking. I increased my vitamins slightly, drank extra water and added a colon cleanse ( Colonix ) to my repertoire. Raw Sore throat after quitting smoking. 4, 8. One of the most relevant muscles is the cricopharyngeus muscle which forms part of the sphincter mechanism at the top of the gullet. Dec 11, 2023 · Takeaway. The main symptom is bad breath, but some people develop other issues like a cough or sore throat. Further information on stopping smoking. pain in my ears and lump in my throat. It can be mild or it can be hellish, but just know that it’s part of withdrawals. Drink plenty of fluids; add roughage: fruits, vegetables, and whole grain cereals. JordanMcGregor01 New Member. everytime i’ve smoked ive Jun 29, 2017 · You may experience these for the first couple of weeks after quitting. I quit cold turkey over a month ago and still have the throat lump. 4 months quit smoking but still not recovered from withdrawal calcium in testicles pain in testicles now in groin sharp pain in my testicles when i cough Quit smoking and short of breath Lump in throat after quitting smoking Side Effects of ZYN on the Stomach. It is very common to feel irritated or grouchy when you quit. Intestinal movement decreases for a brief period. -possible reaction to PG- if it is the PG then adjust accordingly- maybe 40/ 60 PG/ VG ratio or 30/ 70. Quitting early, before the age of 40, has also been associated with a lower lung cancer risk. I never smoked a lot of cigarettes, maybe 1 or 2 a day, 3 if i was lucky, but i heavily used my e-cig. If it doesn't within 2-3 weeks, that's when I'd seek medical help. where it felt panic attack -> nice -> panic attack and so on. After 2 years of smoking, he'd had enough. wanting to quit smoking but cant stand the lack of being able to breath Can you get lung cancer after 3 years of smoking? Drink Chicken Soup. Tips to quit smoking. Ver very sticky. Yep, totally normal mate. Bad breath. For extra power, feel free to add a few drops of an essential oil like peppermint. Second, there are some indications that hydration, in general, can reduce the sensation of a lump. Feeling as though food is "stuck". 8 It hits sooo much stronger than the mini i used before, it feels like the first time subohming - again. " I think clearing your throat is your body's way of cleansing your lungs. 2 - Being allergic to weed is rare. Jan 7, 2024 · Tonsil stones are small, pebble-like lumps that form in your tonsils. Make a plan: Create a plan to help you cope with cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Weed makes your stomach acid production go into overdrive which causes oesophageal spasms and leaves you with that ‘lump in your throat’ feeling. Have a constant need to kinda "clear my throat", soar throat (which is why I'm here at the first place)😆, and the lump sensation is present (seems like it's going way slowly). Common causes of a tickle in the throat include strep throat, laryngitis, COVID-19, dehydration, acid reflux, allergies, asthma, environmental irritants, viral infections, and the side effects of certain medications. Smoked for 20 years I am 36 and have been dealing with symptoms ever since, I have neck and back pain mostly on my left side, cough with the tar comming up, joint pain, and fatigue, always need to sleep hard getting through the day. I'm 33 and smoked on and off for 15 years or so. Causes can include anxiety, muscular disorders, or neurological problems. Aug 18, 2023 · Postnasal drip occurs when mucus in your nose drains down the back of your throat. Lump in throat after quitting smoking 4 months quit smoking but still not recovered from withdrawal Chest Pains, What could it be? I am often anxious Heart Palpitations After Quitting Smoking side effects of giving up cigarettes Can you get lung cancer after 3 years of smoking? Shortness of breath after Feb 2, 2023 · Symptoms of Painful Swallowing. His throat hurt so much from smoking that he said to himself, "This is stupid. By this point, your senses of taste and smell get sharper as your nerve endings start to heal. Only thing keeping that I changed was I stopped smoking bongs and changed to a much lower THC strand and it seems to have stopped this issue from happening. Globus is a sensation of a lump in the throat with no actual physical obstruction. If I can keep myself from gagging I can reach back with my pointer finger and touch the inflamed portion. Reflux (stomach acid flows back into the food tube) or indigestion. Eat lots of fiber, especially in the first two weeks of quitting smoking. This may happen because your body produces more mucus than it needs or is not able to clear it as quickly as usual. Just boil a pot of water, cover your head with a towel, and breathe in the steam. Feb 19, 2023 · Quit smoking Your throat, sinuses, and mouth are greatly impacted if you use cigarettes and tobacco. 2. I've been an avid smoker for 25 years, two packs per day, and around 10 years ago I started rolling tobacco. From what I’ve read some people have it last longer, up to two months. I'm using 40/60 Pg/Vg with maybe 7mg. Be active – some physical activity is better than none! Spend time with friends who don’t smoke. Sleep with your head elevated. #8. I quit around 3 weeks ago. It may involve increased muscle tension in muscles of the throat or just below the throat or it may also be due to gastroesophageal reflux. Coughing and shortness of breath decrease; 1 to 2 years after quitting . Your body’s also busy with a lot of May 3, 2019 · If you think chewing tobacco is a healthier alternative to smoking, think again. But generally most people reported it was gone after 10-14 days Nov 28, 2006 · Yes, I also have same tightness in chest after quit smoking 10 weeks ago. Lump in throat after quitting smoking mucus (?) stuck in back of throat causing me to gag lump in throat mild lung pain Symptoms of throat cancer in cats i have a constant feeling of phlegm in my throat lump in throat felling after endoscopy Lump in throat? Lump feeling in left tonsil and throat. In addition to pain or discomfort while swallowing, a person with odynophagia may also experience: Soreness or ulcers in the mouth. The sensation sometimes comes when people experience certain emotions, such as grief or pride, but is often independent of such Feb 13, 2013 · It feels like something is stuck in my throat. Generally speaking, however, the longer you go without cigarettes, the less intense those cravings will feel. Make a point of drinking chicken soup at least once a day and boost the effectiveness by adding ginger or garlic. Smoking raises the risk of developing coronary heart disease by lowering good cholesterol, which makes 24 hours after quitting. Nate started smoking in his teens with friends from school. Let's look at how to cope with a lump in the throat after smoking and how to prevent it from appearing. May 5, 2021 · Within 5-10 years of quitting, your chance of getting cancer of the mouth, throat, or voice box drops by half. Or gargle with mouthwash. Ear infections. The scratchy feeling in the throat & some similarities to having a sore throat, which, like you mentioned, seems to go after an hour away. Inside the lungs, the cells might be multiplied, thereby replacing old and dead cells naturally. Haven't had a need to smoke from the very first day I It’s reflux guys. It's so named because the symptoms are easily confused with a respiratory infection like the flu. (TW in text: self-induced vomiting) I (F32) quit vaping and all nicotine products cold turkey 7 days ago and I’ve just started getting what feels like a huge ball of phlegm/mucus stuck in the back of my throat. Anxiety is a common condition. Sneezing. After 8 years of trying to quit smoking, Nate was sick of it—literally. " He tossed his pack of cigarettes to a friend and hasn't looked back. Carbon monoxide level in the blood drops to level of someone who does not smoke; 1 to 12 months after quitting . They’re made of hardened minerals (like calcium), food debris and germs. They also tend to vary depending on the person’s level of dependency. it causes a panic attack everytime which makes the experience unenjoyable. I know times are scary right now because of covid so paranoia can fuck you up, but the sore throat is natural. Quitting smoking - side effects? Lump in throat after quitting smoking Heart Palpitations After Quitting Smoking quitting smoking cigarettes and pot at same time smoking tobacco vs smoking hubble bubble Comments and reviews on article "Hypnosis to Quit Smoking and Stop Addictions - Hypnosis as Addictio I have been smoking weed for about 6 months and this just started happening a few days ago. Lump in throat after quitting smoking By Jenny3481 | 154 posts, last post a month ago Amir Shaban, MD answered this Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms After Quitting Smoking. Stoped smoking almost 5 months now and i have never felt so ill. Over time, the debris hardens and the stones may cause symptoms, including bad breath, difficulty swallowing, and ear or throat pain. Got it all checked by the doctors, 3 xrays, 4 times bloodwork, 4 ecg's. The lump in the throat after smoking is a problem that every smoker faces. I still have a very sore throat, shortness of breath, an irregular heartbeat, tight lungs, mucus in my sinuses, lack of energy. #1 JordanMcGregor01, Aug 7, 2017. Using any of these products increases your risk for many conditions, including cancer. Drinking warm beverages, like Same thing, always felt lump in throat and quit 1 week ago my phlegm is yellow/brownish. Chronic laryngitis. Jan 15, 2021 · The inner lining of the lungs might be inflamed due to long years of smoking. 4; Ten years after you quit smoking, your risk of dying from lung cancer drops by half. Also im vaping 35mg salt in a uwell caliburn. See other ways to manage withdrawal. I'd recommend sudafed or Pseudoephedrine if you're looking for the drugs actual Thanks for writing everyone! I am a 51 year old female, and I quit smoking 10 months ago after close to 15 years of 1-2 packs a day. Nicotine is a stimulant that can cause an increase in stomach acid and have a . Until I read this thread I thought it is something much worse, but it seems it is just somewhat usual side-effect of nicotine withdrawal. Couple of weeks… Sep 6, 2022 · There are a few tips you can try: Drink Water - drinking water can reduce this lump feeling in two ways. I get this lump in my throat that seems to get worse as the high sets in. It sucks but after a week my lungs feel a lot better, i can breath better and no mucus in back of throat. I just want quit smoking pot I am trying to quit smoking, anyone want to join me. Throat pain. Hunger. 8; Within 10-15 years after you quit smoking, your risk of lung cancer drops by half. I tried quitting once again, one year after I started my first non-smoking time. Similarly to heat, steam inhalation can often soothe the inflamed areas and give you some relief from chest pain. 5 weeks ago - several issues suffer from chest pains after giving up smoking breathing problems since I quit smoking 8 months ago Quit Smoking Edema quit smoking & asthma health problems after stop smoking Feeling very ill after quitting smoking! 4 months quit smoking but still not recovered from May 5, 2012 · INTRODUCTION. Risk of heart attack drops sharply; 3 to 6 years after quitting Iam a light smoker about 3-5 smokes a day. Aug 15, 2010 · Can Wellbutrin help me to quit smoking? suffer from chest pains after giving up smoking Lump in throat after quit smoking diarrhea and quit smoking Quit smoking a year ago - sick ever since! Quit smoking and short of breath 4 months quit smoking but still not recovered from withdrawal Marijuana Withdrawals, Quitting Smoking Apr 29, 2014 · I do recall some of the changes I had to go through to "cleanse myself. Within 5 years of quitting, your chance of getting cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and bladder is cut in half. Jun 7, 2023 · How long it lasts. ago. 5. . Aug 30, 2022 · After two weeks smoke-free, some people still experience coughing and shortness of breath as well as withdrawal symptoms such as cravings. With 2 days down, treat yourself to something tasty. Hoarseness. Tonsil stones are caused by bacteria and debris in your airway that become trapped in the tonsil tissue. Throat Lump in throat after quit smoking diarrhea and quit smoking Testicles aching for 6 months Achy Chest after quitting smoking. Take a hot shower or bath once or twice a day. Smoking irritates the throat, causing it to become dry, red and inflamed. Dec 5, 2008 · Hello everyone I quit smoking almost 2 months ago. Body aches. Most people who smoke tend to think of smoking causing heart or lung problems and don’t stop to think about the damage it can also do to the throat. Possible causes include acid reflux or GERD, pharyngeal inflammatory conditions Just got ny first vape to quit smoking and since ive taken my first hit ive had this reoccurring feeling of a lump in my throat. First, by drinking water, you’re able to feel the water going down your throat, which may calm down some of your worries. Craving a cigarette can be confused with hunger pang; oral craving, desire for something in mouth. Smoking causes irritation to your throat. In very rare cases, a persistent itchy throat may be a sign of cancer. Couple of weeks back, i decided to quit completely and I started my first yoga and exercise classes to clean up the lungs (doing the routines, where heavy breathing is needed). Chest tightness. At the moment i am waitng to have a tongue biopsy because of the pain. All of these things generally cause really bad acid reflux. No other symptoms except coughing up the expected stuff. For example lastnight my wife and i went out for dinner then Jan 21, 2022 · Children who live in homes where parents or other individuals smoke indoors are especially at risk for these disorders. It may just be allergies at that point though. 1 - Throat lump is a common anxiety symptom. Quitting smoking is not easy, but it is possible with the right mindset and support. Dec 9, 2023 · Smoking is the major risk factor for lung cancer, but it can occur in non-smokers. Tonsil stones are highly treatable and may even go away on their own. My Experience of Quitting Smoking Feeling very ill after quitting smoking! YELLOW TONGUE, BAD BREATH ,RED BUMPS ON TONGUE ,FORMER SMOKE need help, want to quit smoking Advice on smoking withdrawal symptoms Wellbutrin and quitting smoking Nosmoq for quitting smoking natural herbs for quitting smoking Lump in throat after quitting smoking Constipation, Gas, Irregularity, Stomach Pain. Unfortunately, that theory is misguided. Some even have horrible cough and phlegm which lasts for a few months. Using nicotine pouches excessively or using a high strength can sometimes result in stomach problems. In many people, stress or anxiety can trigger globus sensation or make the symptoms worse; tiredness can also make the feeling more noticeable. Inhalatio Dec 20, 2023 · Summary. all the symptoms you all mention here, which makes me feel at least a little less like a hypochondriac and more like someone who is The lump in my throat started about 4 days after quitting and lasted for about 7 days for me. When smoking, the smoke you puff in travels into the lungs via the throat, directly exposing it to carcinogenic substances in marijuana. Aug 14, 2012 · The theory is that the stomach acid affects the relaxation of the muscles around the throat. I quit smoking actual cigarettes at the end of may and have been using an e cig up until a week ago. In fact, it's normal for cravings to be triggered long after the two-week mark. My question is does anybody else experience a lump feeling in their throat while they smoke? it doesnt always happen to me, so i almost know it has something to do with acid reflux. Hey Guys, I have decided to quit smoking about 6 months back and smoking about just couple of them over the weekends with friends. Causes of Lump in Throat. It's weird, if it's not immediately after I smoke then it's sometime down the road. Shortness of breath after stopping smoking Quit smoking a year ago - sick ever since! Lump in throat after quit smoking 2nd day of quitting Marijuana quitting smoking cigarettes and pot at same time Random heart palpitation Quitting weed Healing From Severe Chest Pain After Quitting Smoking best drug for quitting smoking Globus is caused by tightening of the muscles in the upper part of the gullet (oesophagus) and throat. Just be sure to get checked out by a doctor if it ever doesn’t clear or starts randomly when you’re not smoking! ☺️. This is usually a temporary issue you can manage at home. Thyroid disorders. 8; Within 10 years of quitting, your chance of getting cancer of the bladder, esophagus, or kidney decreases. It is also responsible for the development of polyps – small growths on the vocal cords which alter the tone and pitch Jul 15, 2017 · Why do most users feel a lump in their throat? The feeling of having a lump in the throat is common among those quitting the habit. Medically it’s known as ‘globus sensation’. 1. Maintain a healthy weight I quit smoking on 1/21/06 after smoking almost 15 years. Feeling irritated, grouchy, or upset. Not globes hystericus. constant sore throat. Your risk of lung cancer remains high even 15 years after quitting smoking. One of the most common symptoms is sore throat. Throat cancer can develop in the throat, mouth, voice box, or lips. This topic is answered by a medical expert. Globus, a persistent or intermittent non-painful sensation of a lump or foreign body in the throat, is a well-defined clinical symptom that is usually long-lasting, difficult to treat, and has a tendency to recur. Symptoms tend to peak about 3 days after yes its normal. 4 Nov 25, 2022 · Summary. Mar 3, 2024 · 2. Smoker's flu may involve some or all of the following symptoms: Coughing. I get it a while back (pre-quitting) my ears got so congested that it was messing with my balance so bad I'd be nearly falling at the slightest bit of fast motion. [5] 3. These issues can vary from slight discomfort in the abdomen to more serious symptoms like indigestion, vomiting, and diarrhea. Here are some tips to help you quit smoking for good: Set a quit date: Choose a specific day to quit smoking and stick to it. Achy Chest after quitting smoking. Withdrawal symptoms are accompanied by flu-like symptoms. msnatter17 • 2 yr. Pain and a burning sensation after swallowing. I've read some will drink water with fresh squeezed lemon- kinda washes the PG/ VG off the throat walls. Try not to clear your throat as this can make your globus sensation worse. Withdrawal symptoms like chest pain can last for anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, according to the National Cancer Institute. This happens on both mouth to lung and direct hits. : Marijuana smoke contains bronchial irritants. 1-2 weeks. Tonsil stones usually aren’t harmful, but a provider can remove them if they’re uncomfortable. Like at least a couple draws every 15 minutes on average throughout the entire day. Mucus itself isn't harmful and actually protects you from illness and provides lubrication. It feels like my throat is swelling up and one time felt like there was a lump (?) in it. I suspect the throat is being aggravated by the phlegm, which is probably laced with residual tar and other smoking chemicals. Hello I was probably a 15-year off and on pot smoker. I quit smoking about two years and a half ago, but started again after 4-5 months. Nov 2, 2017 · Lump in throat after quit smoking Quit Smoking 1. These substances damage your throat tissues, leading its walls to become Hey Guys, I have decided to quit smoking about 6 months back and smoking about just couple of them over the weekends with friends. The irritation of the lungs might be the reason for your lung hurt or pain. js ox dq jy sr oy zo xo ji gu